Anti-Wrinkle For Men: Should Men Get Anti-Wrinkle?
These days, it’s not just women who are lining up for anti-wrinkle treatment. In fact, in Australia alone we’ve seen a 35% increase in male cosmetic procedures, with numbers still rising by the day. Simply put — there is no no longer much of a stigma surrounding men and cosmetic procedures, and men simply want to look as good as they feel, regardless of gender or age. Today, we take a look into everything you need to know about anti-wrinkle treatments for men, so read on to find out more.
Can Men Get Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?
The answer to this one is a big fat yes. In essence, men and women are no different when we age — all of us develop fine lines, wrinkles and loss of fullness in our faces as time goes on. For many men, opting for anti-wrinkle treatment is a matter of boosting self esteem and taking care of one’s appearance in order to look and feel like the best version of themselves. In fact, many guys in their late 20s and early 30s are using preventative anti-wrinkle injections to stave off those fine lines for as long as possible and remain confident in their appearance.
With society as a whole now embracing and accepting cosmetic procedures more than ever before, the stigma that was once associated with male cosmetic procedures is simply a thing of the past.
What Are The Most Popular Injection Sites For Men?
This one is one of the most popular questions we get asked about anti-wrinkle treatment for men, so let’s have a look at some of the most popular injection sites amongst men of all ages.
Crow’s Feet (wrinkles at the corner of the eye)
When anti-wrinkle treatment is used to eliminate crow’s feet, the injections relax the muscles surrounding the eye corners, thus smoothing it out and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Results often look incredibly natural and can shave off years from a man’s appearance with minimal effort.
Forehead / Eyebrows
Another common injection site for men is in the forehead and eyebrow region. This is often where creases form with age, and anti-wrinkle injections help to smooth out horizontal lines and vertical wrinkles between the eyes.
Smile / Frown Lines
Smile lines that form around your mouth can often add years to your appearance. Thankfully, anti-wrinkle injections are able to smooth out the appearance of these dynamic wrinkles that are caused by repeated muscle movements.
Do Men Require More Filler Than Women?
The quick answer to this one is yes. There are quite a number of characteristics of the male face that set it apart from the female face when it comes to anti-wrinkle injections. Men often have significantly more facial muscle mass, subcutaneous tissue, and blood vessel density than women. They also have more prominent jaw lines and chins as well as higher and wider foreheads.
Because of this, in 99% of cases, men will require more filler to smooth out wrinkles and lines in their faces. Similarly, larger or stronger men with an increased amount of muscle mass will also require slightly more filler to be effective than smaller and less muscular men.
Will Results Be Natural Looking For Men?
One of the biggest concerns that our male patients have prior to treatment is whether their results will look natural after their procedure. Our clinicians at Medical Aesthetic have years of experience under their belts and are fully educated on the nuances and differences between the male and female face. As such, our clinicians will work closely with you to ensure that your results are not just obvious, but also look as natural as possible.
Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Hurt?
Of course, it would be naive to assume that everyone has a similar pain tolerance, but generally speaking, anti-wrinkle injections are relatively pain-free. Because the needles we use are extremely small and fine, most of our patients experience little to no discomfort. Our skilled and experienced practitioners have treated thousands of patients and are incredibly well versed in a variety of different techniques that will minimise discomfort as much as possible.
Immediately following your injections, you may feel a slight residual tingling and/or small bumps around injection sites. Fret not, for these effects fade incredibly quickly and you’ll be back to normal within a day. Be sure to avoid exercising or going to the gym for at least a week as strenuous movements may cause fillers to shift out of position.
What To Expect During Your Procedure
At the initial stages of your consultation, one of our experienced clinicians will discuss in detail the results you expect to achieve. We will also discuss your medical history, allergies and any medication you may be taking to ensure that anti-wrinkle injections are a safe option for you.
After your initial consultation, our clinicians will carefully mark the areas to be treated, followed by applying a mild cleanser to eliminate any bacteria, dirt or oils from treatment areas. If you are concerned about discomfort, a numbing agent will be applied to targeted areas. Once the numbing agent has set in, injections will be carefully made directly into your facial muscles, followed by ice and/or pressure applied to the treated areas to discourage swelling.
Anti wrinkle treatment requires no down time, meaning you’ll be able to resume most of your normal activities immediately after your treatment. Our clinicians will give you detailed aftercare instructions to make sure that you do not cause any unintended damage or side effects.
General advice is as follows:
- Avoid rubbing the treated areas
- Avoid laying down for 4 hours following treatment
- Wait a minimum of 24 hours to exercise or engage in any strenuous activity
Anti Wrinkle Treatment For Men: Before and After
More and more men are now opting for anti-wrinkle treatment in order to boost self esteem and regain lost confidence. If you would like to book an appointment with us or simply find out more about cosmetic procedures for men, do not hesitate to call us at (03) 9916 9631 today.